Oiseau Post-Nucléaire Enceint by Véronique Durruty
Size: 50 x 70cm
Medium: Ink and watercolour on paper
Artwork Description
Véronique Durruty creates an imaginary bestiary of a future world. A post-nuclear world in which animals have mutated in a combination of animal and flora, re-inventing a postive new world in which the species can live in autarky and harmony.
The colors are soft and the UFO appearance of these creatures does not create anxiety, but rather a familiarity - sort of new pets.
The “Oiseau Post-Nucléaire Enceint” (Pregnant Post- Nuclear Male Bird) recreates the laws of reproduction, in which birds are pregnant as current mammals, however it is the male becomes pregnant rather than the female, thus switching the roles of reproduction.
950,00 €Price